Each API endpoint is located under https://www.bungie.net/platform. Some endpoints require you to be authorised and cannot be used without additional parameters being passed to the platform. All endpoints return RESTful JSON .
Minimum Request Requirements[]
When making a request to the platform, you must include the following headers in addition to standard HTTP request headers (i.e. Host):
Requests should be made using HTTPS.
Minimum Private Endpoint Requirements[]
In addition to the minimum request requirements above, private endpoints requiring authentication must provide additional details when making requests to the platform. These include:
- Cookie [see below]
Bungie.net needs to identify which account is making a request, which is of course done using cookies. You will need to provide, at a minimum, the following cookies:
- bungleatk
- bungled
bungles(no longer needed)
You should also provide the following cookies to aid in diagnostic tasks:
- bungledid[1]
Minimum Response Details[]
Each endpoint returns a single JSON-encoded object with at least the following properties:
- ErrorCode (integer)
- ErrorStatus (string)
- Message (string)
- MessageData (object)
- Response (mixed)
- ThrottleSeconds (integer)
Response Check[]
If the request returns the error 'WebAuthRequired' you can use the APItest script to find the problem.